Carbon reduction policy
1. Application of this policy
1.1 This is the policy of each of Enigma Security Solutions Limited (company number 05524406). Unless stated otherwise references to the Company shall mean the company applying this policy.
2. Introduction
2.1 This Carbon Reduction Policy validates Enigma Groups’ carbon reduction commitment towards achieving Net Zero by 2050, in line with the UK Government’s commitment under the Climate Change Act 2008.
2.2 This policy currently uses the carbon emission data from our business carbon footprint using HM Government Cabinet Office Carbon Reduction Plan guidance to create a tailored carbon reduction plan that will help Enigma prepare for a greener zero carbon future. In time, and with advancements in technology other monitoring and measuring tools might also be used to monitor the performance of this plan,
2.3 This policy outlines Enigma’s high level strategy and includes a summary of Enigma’s previous carbon footprint assessments, carefully identifies carbon footprint targets and defined actions to achieve the goals set by the business.
2.4 Enigma will encourage our suppliers to adopt this policy where practical for them to do so and where they have no carbon reduction plan of their own.
2.5 This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and if necessary, updated sooner if required.
3. Carbon Reduction Strategy
3.1 Our strategy is to work towards achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 in line with UK Government targets. In order to achieve this Enigma has adopted the following carbon reduction targets.
- To reduce total carbon emissions in our business 42% by 2030 in line with the Energy Saving Trust guidance.
- To continue to measure and reduce our emissions on at least an annual basis.
3.2 Enigma will consider the following carbon reduction initiatives at intervals that are appropriate for our business and when technology advances. Examples of carbon reduction projects will include when appropriate:
- Fully electric vehicles as and when battery range increases to the level that supports our business needs.
- PV (solar) energy for our head office allowing for zero CO2 emissions by tonne, for reduction in electricity costs via the National Grid, and provide cleaner energy.
- PV storage batteries charged by surplus power generated by PV panels.
- Heat Exchange Pumps to replace gas powered heating and water boilers by 2035 in line with Government policy.
- To monitor and consider other technologies that contribute towards our carbon reduction policy and strategy.
4. Management Systems
4.1 Enigma is accredited to EMS14001 which is supported by our ISO9001 Quality Management System.
4.2 When appropriate, Enigma Group will consider ISO50001 accreditation (Energy Management) to demonstrate efficient use of energy throughout our business.
4.3 Enigma currently subscribes to the Energy Saving Trust guidance for information on energy initiatives and measuring information.
5. Workforce
5.1 Enigma promotes carbon reduction initiatives at home to help address climate change. This assists people to:
- Make better energy choices.
- Reduce household spend on energy.
- Reduce energy poverty.
5.2 This in turn support organisational commitments and to builds better working relationships with our employees.
6. Milestones
6.1 The following are considered to be achievable milestones for our policy and strategy.
- Demonstrate a year on year carbon reduction target over a three, five and ten year period of not less than 6% per annum to reach our target of 42% reduction by 2030.
- Implement a PV energy plan and deliver the plan.
- Include in that plan the benefits of battery storage.
- Attain ISO50001 accreditation by 2030.
7. Review
7.1 This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis alongside a review of results.
8. Approval of this policy
8.1 This policy is approved by the Company Board of Directors. It will be reviewed regularly and updated when changes become necessary. It was last updated on the date shown below.

Mahendra Vekariya
Enigma Security Solutions Ltd
Last updated: 1st January 2025