Environmental policy statement
1. Application of this policy
This is the policy of of Enigma Security Solutions Limited (company number 05524406). Unless stated otherwise references to the Company shall mean the company applying this policy.
2. Introduction
2.1 The environmental objective of the Company is to provide effective environmental awareness and control, seeking to continually improve all aspects of its environmental performance within its sphere of operation as far as economically practicable. It will ensure that this policy awareness and implementation based on the principles of BS EN ISO 9001 2015. and EN ISO 14001:2015 is ingrained into company culture and operation.
2.2 In order to achieve this objective, the company makes a commitment whilst carrying out its activities to place emphasis on the following key environmental issues:
2.2.1 the Company is committed to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific commitment(s) relevant to the context of the organisation;
2.2.2 protect and care for the environment through continual review and improvement to working practices relative to environmental impacts;
2.2.3 encourage the efficient use of energy, materials, products, and services together;
2.2.4 consider the impact of Global Warming that could result from our business activities;
2.2.5 comply with the requirements of relevant legislation and regulations;
2.2.6 apply health and safety considerations throughout all activities;
2.2.7 provide employee awareness training in the environmental policy, legislation, and procedures;
2.2.8 establish shared environmental objectives with clients, consultants, sub-contractors, and suppliers;
2.2.9 minimise the environmental impact of any company operation within reasonable economic constraints appropriate to the nature and scale of the contracted obligations with clients, sub-contractors, and suppliers;
2.2.10 the company will maintain and periodically review procedures for the assessment, management, and reduction on the impact its activities have on the environment. These procedures will be communicated to all employees and where required, clients and other interested parties;
2.2.11 all employees are required to ensure that environmental issues are carefully considered when making decisions in the planning, controlling and executions of work, which is the direct responsibility of the company.
3. Approval of this policy
This policy is approved by the Company Board of Directors. It will be reviewed regularly and updated when changes become necessary. It was last updated on the date shown below.

Mahendra Vekariya
Enigma Security Solutions Ltd
Last updated: 1st April 2024