Corporate social responsibility policy
1. Application of this policy
1.1 This is the policy of each of Enigma Security Solutions Limited (company number 05524406). Unless stated otherwise references to the Company shall mean the company applying this policy.
2. Introduction
2.1 It is the policy of the Company to provide services of a high standard at competitive prices, which meet customers’ contractual requirements and expectations. The Company recognises that all organisations, and individuals, have an impact on the communities in which they operate, and seeks to maintain the highest ethical standards whilst conducting the activities undertaken, maintaining the initial criterion of customer service as set out in this statement.
3. CSR Policy
3.1 This policy recognises the growth of further social and environmental awareness among our customers, consumers, and other stakeholders, our understanding of our own environmental impact, and our desire as an organisation to use responsibly managed resources.
3.2 To meet these requirements, the Company recognises that our business activities have direct and indirect impacts on the communities and environment in which we operate. We endeavour to manage these in a responsible manner, believing that sound and demonstrable performance in relation to corporate social responsibility is a fundamental part of business success.
3.3 We are committed to respecting the interests of all our stakeholders. These include shareholders, employees, customers, business partners and the community. By integrating the following principles within our core business activities we hope to not only provide solid financial performance but also make a positive contribution to the wider community and environment in which we operate.
3.4 General Business Practices
3.4.1 We will conduct all business in compliance with relevant legislation, and in a fair and ethical manner. We will ensure that corruption does not exist in any form. We will report our corporate social responsibility activities in an accountable and transparent manner.
3.5 Labour Practices
3.5.1 We will promote equality and diversity. We will provide a working environment that ensures the health and safety of employees. We will offer relevant training to enable employees to fulfil their potential. We respect the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
4. CSR Policy
4.1 Community Engagement
4.1.1 We offer suitable employment opportunities within the local communities in which we operate, and provide assistance to a range of charitable causes and community initiatives. We are fully committed to supporting and assisting the communities in which the company operates through a variety of means including charitable fund-raising, sponsorship of community projects and voluntary work by employees. We will also serve local communities by providing effective services and products which safeguard the public good, and support protection of the public.
4.2 Environmental Performance
4.2.1 We will conduct our business with respect and consideration for the communities in which we operate and for the environment, as outlined in our environmental policy. We will take steps to minimise any disturbance to communities as a result of our operations. As a service organisation, our environmental impact is small in relation to manufacturing industries. However, in each of our operations we will strive to minimise our impact on the environment through reduction of waste, vehicle emissions and energy consumption.
4.3 Supply Chain Management
4.3.1 We will work with our suppliers to deliver the objectives of this policy throughout our supply chain, and ensure our procurement strategy reflects the commitments outlined in our ethical purchasing policy. The Board of Directors will ensure that, wherever possible, the company’s procurement activities comply with this policy. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the nature and operation of the corporate social responsibility policy.
5. Approval of this policy
5.1 This policy is approved by the Company Board of Directors. It will be reviewed regularly and updated when changes become necessary. It was last updated on the date shown below.

Mahendra Vekariya
Enigma Security Solutions Ltd
Last updated: 1st January 2025